
If you look for fun in a starry sky night, let the tide guide you to this beautiful bar in Mancora. Marea 220 has a varied drink menu, enriched by the flavor of the national spirit: pisco. Besides, they count with tiki cocktails and other tropical drinks. Do you want more? Marea 220 also has live music from a DJ and a dazzling atmosphere, with colorful lights and with rustic decoration. Your nights start at Marea 220.

Cellphone: 990 082 228

Address: Grau 220 Avenue, Máncora

Facebook: Marea 220

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If you look for fun in a starry sky night, let the tide guide you to this beautiful bar in Mancora. Marea 220 has a varied drink menu, enriched by the flavor of the national spirit: pisco. Besides, they count with tiki cocktails and other tropical drinks. Do you want more? Marea 220 also has live music from a DJ and a dazzling atmosphere, with colorful lights and with rustic decoration. Your nights start at Marea 220.

Cellphone: 990 082 228

Address: Grau 220 Avenue, Máncora

Facebook: Marea 220